Dental Crowns Turkey

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+90 536 780 12 45

Зъбни коронки в Турция

Dental Crowns Turkey

Dental crown is a tooth shaped coating placed on a reduced tooth, made from materials such as porcelain or zirconium. They can be used to change the appearance of the teeth and to strengthen them. Dental Crown details, cost, reviews from other patients who performed Dental Crown surgery in Turkey before and results.

Dental Crown

Dental crown is a tooth shaped coating placed on a reduced tooth, made from materials such as porcelain or zirconium. They can be used to change the appearance of the teeth and to strengthen them.

When is it necessary to have dental crowns?

  • Preserve weak teeth due to cavity
  • Restore weak or broken teeth
  • Support teeth that have filling inside
  • Keep dental bridge inside the mouth
  • Fix color and shape problems
  • Cover and protect dental implant

What are the types of dental crowns?

They can be classified according to their materials. Nowadays the most popular versions of it are porcelain fused to metal crowns and full ceramic crowns.

Porcelain Crowns: It is a dental crown filled with metal placed onto a reduced tooth. It has a strong structure thanks to the support of metal placed inside, but as it is likely to give a different color to the gums, it is not preferred as widely.

Zirconia Crowns: It is widely preferred nowadays. It has a strong structure that can not be damaged easily. It has a high compatibility with gums and does not stain, or give any grey-ish shade.

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    +90 536 780 1245

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