Weight Loss Surgery Treatments in Turkey

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Лечение на затлъстяване в Турция Юнимед

Weight Loss Surgery Treatments

Obesity is a medical disorder which is caused by accumulation of excess body fat by consuming more energy than the body needs. Obesity, which is one of the most common disorders today, not only affects the life standards, but also affects the physiological and psychological state of the person by causing other diseases.

Obesity is a medical disorder which is caused by accumulation of excess body fat by consuming more energy than the body needs. Obesity, which is one of the most common disorders today, not only affects the life standards, but also affects the physiological and psychological state of the person by causing other diseases.

The most efficient way to detect the obesity is by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI). Those who have BMI above 40kg/m2 are considered to be Morbidly Obese and even if they do not possess any other ilnesses, they are required to undergo a surgical treatment.

The formula for BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters square. However, BMI rate is not sufficient to make a precise diagnosis of obesity as it can not be known whether the mass is from fat, or from muscular tissues. For this reason, anyone that has the question “Am I obese?” should consult their doctor to have the right answer.

Какво представлява затлъстяването?

Затлъстяването може да се определи като прекомерно натрупване на мастни тъкани, което се отразява негативно на общото здраве. Според световната статистика, случаите на затлъстяване са се утроили през последните 50 години. Това не е само козметичен, а медицински проблем, тъй като наднорменото тегло увеличава риска от развитие на други сериозни заболявания.

How Obesity can affect daily life?

  • Diabetes: Biggest risk of obesity is having Diabetes Type II. As Obesity and Diabetes are considered to be associated with each other, it has been observed that by curing Obesity, Diabetes is taking the advantage as well.
  • Hypertension: With increasing bodyweight, blood tension increases too and this leads to a fluctutation. According to the researches, 70% of Obese people have hypertension disorder as well.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Obesity increases the risk of having cardiovascular diseases as it changes the structure of heart. Obesity is the second most dominant factor of heart attack and heart failiure after smoking. It is also known for its effects to coronary artery
  • Neuromuscular Junction Diseases: Obesity has direct negative effects on junctions. It is normal to have pain or aching if there is overweight and overpressure on junctions. Knowing that each 1KG excess weight applies 4KG excess pressure on junctions, we can easily say that obesity causes junction problems.
  • Cancer: Obesity can be a complementary element for all cancer types especially Colon and Breast Cancer. It is known that having a well-balanced diet helps with avoiding cancer, it is clear that it also avoids from being overweight and this leads us to keep away from cancer.
  • Other Effects: Besides the risks of Obesity such as Type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis heart diseases, neuromuscular junction diseases and cancer, it is known that it also causes sleep apnea, reflux gastroesofagian, lower extremity venous stasis and urinary retention. Apart from these physical diseases, it also can lead to have psychological discomfort.

Weight Loss Surgery Options

Obesity is a serious medical condition that needs to be treated. The only way to cure it is to burn more than intake in terms of calories. First 4 steps of obesity treatment can be listed like this:

  • Diet: To decrease the calorie intake, one can consult a dietician for a professional assistance.
  • Exercise: To burn more calories than the intake, it is necessary to do exercises.
  • Change of Lifestyle: To lose some weight, it is necessary to change your mentality of lifestyle and eating regimen.
  • Medication: There can be medication treatments with a doctors supervision.

It is important to follow these 4 steps in the first place.

If the desired result is not achieved, there are 2 types of medical treatments to choose:

  1. Weight Loss Surgery: Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass
  2. Non Surgical Weight Loss Treatments: Intragastric Balloon, Stomach Botox, Gastric Band

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    +90 536 780 1245

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