DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey

The biggest advantage of DHI technique is that there is no need of two separate stages the grafts are being implanted directly to the recipient area thanks to the sharp tip of implanter pen.

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DHI Трансплантация на Коса в Турция

DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey

DHI Hair Transplant (Direct Hair Implant)

DHI method can be seen with different names such as Implanter Pen or CHOI hair transplant. It was first developed in Korea National University. As it can also be understood from its name, direct hair implantation consists of implanting the extracted grafts directly into the recipient area without pre-made incisions (canals). Even though some clinics show it as a different technique from FUE, it is not. Because FUE is an extraction method and it is also used in a DHI hair transplantation to extract the grafts. It only changes the way of implantation by using implanter/CHOI pens.

How is DHI performed?

Hair follicles are extracted with FUE method and then each graft is placed into the implanter/choi pen in order to be implanted in the recipient area.

The biggest advantage of DHI technique is that there is no need of two separate stages such as incisions (canals) and implantation. The grafts are being implanted directly to the recipient area thanks to the sharp tip of implanter pen.

Implanter pens have diameters of 0,6-1,0mm. Their tips are sharp and cylinder shaped. The specialist that performs the implantation basically inserts the tip of the pen into the scalp and then presses on the back of the pen to push the graft into the skin.

Who are suitable for a DHI procedure?

Not everybody can be considered as suitable for DHI technique. For example if you have really curly or afro hair, it would not be the best choice for you as curly hair follicles are very hard to place into the implanter pens.

One should keep in mind that recently DHI has become a marketing strategy to quote higher prices to the patients. There is not a really large gap between DHI and percutaneous, therefore patient should really consider if he/she is suitable for DHI.

DHI method can be the most effective in such cases;

  • Those who do not have very large recipient area
  • Those that want increase of density
  • Need of around 2500 grafts.
  • Implantation in between existing hair such as women hair transplant

Let your doctor decide whether DHI is the best option for you or not. In other cases, there is not a big difference between.

What advantages does DHI method have?

  • Thanks to the implanter pen, there is a low chance of damaging the existing hair while implanting in between them – as there is not any need of making incisions.
  • As the implantation and incisions are made at the same time, grafts are kept away from the body for shorter amount of time.
  • With implanter pen it is easier to give a direction and angle to the implanted grafts.
  • Minimum damage is made to the skin whilst implantation.

What disadvantages does DHI method have?

  • DHI procedure takes long
  • It is difficult to implant high amounts of grafts. Normally 2500-3000 grafts can be implanted.
  • Implanter pens should be disposable, therefore it increases the cost of the procedure
  • There is not a big difference of success between a Sapphire FUE and a DHI hair transplant, if both done correctly by an expert team.

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